Prayers in Board Meetings, Church Services for Corporate Events do not deliver heavenly performance, but problems
By Hene Aku Kwapong and Henry Addison O n July 19, the World Economic Forum was sued by an employee for workplace discrimination and intolerance that made it difficult for some employees to advance in their careers because of the forum’s prevailing work environment. This came after the Wall Street had reported that the institution has allowed to fester an atmosphere hostile to women and black people, with some alleging sexual harassment, pregnancy-related discrimination and racial discrimination. This is a problem that cannot happen except in an environment of weak oversight or one, where certain practices are allowed to become prevalent because of a void in institutional courage on the part of the board and management. The World Economic Forum is now facing a major governance crisis that has resulted in a full-fledged investigation by an independent external entity. Collectively we sit on boards in Denmark, Australia, US, Ghana and UK, but interestingly we do come across ma