It interesting that the same bunch of Wall Street analysts, majority of whom have never managed a business or have no deep experience in the industries they cover, are now advocating for Microsoft to appoint a guy from an automobile manufacturer as CEO of a technology company. One of the lessons folks learn in business school about Mergers and Acquisitions is the incredibly high failure rates. However few fail to grasp the fact that a lot of companies erroneously turn to investment bankers with little or no operational experience to advise on their deals and hence no secret a lot fail. In current Microsoft situation, again we have investment banking analyst with no operating experience in technology hawking the same bad advice. Microsoft is a software company with well defined competencies in that space, but it is going up against Google, Apple, Samsung, and possibily Blackberry, all companies with younger and more visonary leadership able to deliver user exp...
This blog is all about making sense of what needs to be made sense of. The focus is usually the difficult questions we all need answered...and occasionally the story that baffles us all.